Communicating with ICT Use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences. Understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose.
Creating with ICT: Level 3 Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes.
Applying social and ethical protocols and practices – Level 3 Acknowledge when they use digital products created by someone else, and start to indicate the source. – Explaining where an image was sourced. – Model recording of this information.
Investigating with ICT – Level 3 Locate, generate and access data and information Locate, retrieve or generate information from a range of digital sources.
Creating with ICT: Level 3 Generate solutions to challenges and learning area tasks Create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes.
Creating with ICT: Level 3 Generate solutions to challenges and learning tasks: Create and modify simple digital solutions, creative outputs or data representation/transformation for particular purposes. xxxx