The Good Samaritan – Year 4 Religious Education

Published on: Author: cxyz

Communicating with ICT

Use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences.

Understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose.

Religious Education

Task 1

Develop an understanding of God’s Word in Scripture by using the Bible’s referencing system to locate the parable of The Good Samaritan  (Luke 10:25-37)

Task 2

Analyse the parable of The Good Samaritan and rewrite it in a 21st century context to show understanding of its message.

Task 3

Present the reconstruction in a Voki and share it via the school Voki account.

Example Tasks

The Good Child

Read the conclusion…

The Super Teacher

Read the conclusion…

More examples here [internal school link only]

Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Education Curriculum – Year 4

Sacred Texts

Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding

  • Understanding God’s Word is aided by an awareness of the books and text types of the New Testament.
  • Identify typical stages and language features of various types of text in the New Testament e.g.  parables.
  • Explain how a knowledge of the typical stages and language features of a New Testament text affects a reader’s understanding of its message.
    • i.e. Analyse the parable of The Good Samaritan and rewrite it in a 21st century context to show understanding of its message.

Australian Curriculum – ICT Capabilities – Level 3

Communicating with ICT

Collaborate, share and exchange

  • Use appropriate ICT tools safely to share and exchange information with appropriate known audiences.
    • i.e. Use the school Voki forum to present and share each individual adaptation of The Good Samaritan in the 21st Century.

Understand computer mediated communications

  • Understand that computer mediated communications are directed to an audience for a purpose.
    • i.e. The stories presented in the Voki site can be read by anyone in the world.