Tips for Emailing

Published on: Author: cxyz

How to Write a Good Email

email_netiquetteEtiquette is polite behaviour among members of a group.
Netiquette is polite behaviour on the internet. Good netiquette involves respecting others’ privacy and not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people, being polite and having good manners.

Tips for Writing Email

  • Start with a greeting.
  • Spell the person’s name correctly and address him / her appropriately.
  • Use a clear and relevant subject in the subject line.
  • Use manners – Please and Thank You.
  • Be specific and clear in what your are saying.
  • DON’T USE ALL CAPS – it is the same as shouting.
  • Spell check.
  • Keep the email short. Say only what needs to be said.
  • Make sure that the person can read the email.  You don’t need to have fancy fonts on a bright green background.
  • When finished, read the mail back to yourself and fix any errors before you send.
  • Check you have added an attachment if necessary.
  • Finish with your name: e.g. From Fred.
  • Check the email address before you send.
  • Remember that email is not private.

This image of the inverted pyramid (upside down pyramid) is a good way to compose your email message.  The inverted pyramid has the most important information at the top, so that if a person doesn’t read all the way down, at least they read the most important information.


From: Writing Your Way.

This video gives more information about email netquitte.